Football (Varsity/JV)
Golf (Boys & Girls)
Cross Country (Boys & Girls)
Swimming/Diving (Boys & Girls)
Volleyball (Girls-Varsity/JV)
Bowling (Boys & Girls)
Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Basketball (Boys & Girls-Varsity/JV)
Wrestling (Varsity/JV)
Soccer (Boys & Girls-Varsity/JV)
Spring Sports
Baseball (Boys-Varsity/JV)
Softball (Girls-Varsity/JV)
Tennis (Boys & Girls)
Track (Boys & Girls)
Weightlifting (Boys & Girls)
Flag Football (Girls-Varsity/JV)
Year-long Sports
Cheerleading (Boys & Girls)
2024 - 2025
For additoinal athletic information, go to the SBHC Athletics page.

No backpacks or bags will be admitted into the game.
Middle school students will not be allowed in without an adult.
No outside food or drink is allowed into games.
SHS Alma Mater
Hail, Alma Mater, hats off to you.
Ever you'll find us loyal and true
Firm and undaunted, always we'll be.
Hail to the school we love;
here's a toast to thee